Sunday, September 11, 2011

Painted postcard

Today is a lovely day! Not much sun, but the wind feels quite warm. I am crafting again and I am currently working on several projects. A canvas painting, a painted postcard and I am painting and paperpiercing in my small Moleskine art journal. So I am switching a lot between these projects. If one has to dry I´ll pick up another one. Here a picture of the postcard I made. I started yesterday and it is finished today. Wondering if I could duplicate the postcard, I tried to make a copy of it. My goal was to get a black and white (not white actually, because the cardstock is kind of grey). What I got is a full copy of my postcard, so it has all the colors of the original postcard. Yes, I forgot to hit the black & white knob. But I was surprised and satisfied. I have to sent two postcards, so I could use the copy. And I don't like to make two of the same, so I add to each postcard its own details. E.g. the quote on each card is different. The quote is from labels of my favourite tea at the moment: Yogi tea.

This is the original painted postcard. Destination: a postcrosser in the USA.

The copy of the original above. This one will be sent to The Netherlands.

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday. Stay well!

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty! It reminds me of the artist Dame might want to check her out! I think you might find her to be quite inspiring.
    ♥ Courtney Bruesch from swap-bot


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